Current Scenario

Bihar has not seen any pivotal change in the last 15 years on various social and economic parameters. The situation in Bihar is still the same as it was in the year 2005.


Join 'Baat Bihar Ki' and become a part of a group that wants to ensure Bihar takes a place amongst the top 10 states of our country in the next 10 years.

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About 'Baat Bihar Ki'

About Baat Bihar Ki

The people of Bihar have always been known for their adaptability and creative mind, hard labour, complete dedication and ability to be urban.

Then why have the last few decades left Bihar in a state of helplessness? There has been no vital change in the last 15 years in Bihar in terms of social and economic development. The situation in Bihar is still the same as it was in 2005.

There is a lot to be done, not just in terms of initiating change, but also bringing about progressive change in Bihar, and hence the objective of 'Baat Bihar Ki' campaign is to provide a new and strong leadership to Bihar, which will bring Bihar in the top 10 leading states of the country in next 10 years. If you wish to be part of this new and strong leadership then join Baat Bihar Ki initiative today!


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